Why You Aren’t Reaching Your Goals: Lies You Are Telling Yourself
Despite growing up poor, Black, and female in a single parent household in the deep South, I have achieved every personal AND professional goal I set for myself. My successes can be attributed to one word, “Yes”. “No’s” are funneled to us constantly. I just never internalized them. As a result, not only have I achieved all of my goals, I have broken unexpected barriers and have been in spaces where I was either the only woman or Black person, oftentimes both.
Going after what you want in life takes courage and confidence, which starts with YOU. These lies keep you in a “No” mentality and from reaching your goals. STOP telling yourself:
I’m not good enough;
I can’t do “it” because…
-I’m black
-I’m a woman
-I’m too fat, skinny, old, blah, blah, blah
The timing has to be perfect
I don’t deserve it
Stop it! They are all lies. Everyday all sorts of people, just like you, defy “rules”, break barriers, and reach their goals. The list is too exhaustive to name names. The only thing separating them from you? They said “Yes”. That’s it. That’s the secret. One word, one belief that starts with YOU. Yes.
New Year, new mentality. Are you ready to stop lying to yourself? And to start telling yourself “Yes”?
Here’s to goal-getting! 👊🏿
-Chic-a, The Self-Love Advocate
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Photographer: The Hueman