Pivots and Patience: Revisited
Remember that time I was lamenting on the seemingly slow progress of this Naked Memoir project(Read Post Here) and the hurdles I was facing promoting it?! Well…my patience, pivots, and hustle have been paying off!
I launched this project less than a year ago and have made some major strides. Let’s take inventory. I…
Produced and released the book, Naked: a memoir(Found Here)
Built this e-commerce website and blog
Secured local AND national media coverage
Developed Naked Memoir merchandise(Found Here)
Secured placement of Naked: a memoir in a luxury retailer
Was invited to participate in my first gallery exhibit with some of Atlanta’s most talented artists
Am building a brand that resonates with people and as such have increased my social media following and email list
Am currently in research and development for a NEW product offering(I’m so excited, stay tuned)
Pivots. I’ve made a few since launching this project…starting with execution of the vision…
You have to go where your audience is right? Yes! So I created an Instagram account for Naked Memoir having never been an Instagram user before then. Admittedly, I was nervous…Instagram has millions if not billions of users and I just wasn’t sure yet how far I wanted to take this project and how much I wanted to put myself “out there”. So I “timidly” joined Instagram sharing a few pictures from the book that “hid” my identity. It was very overwhelming at first(still is a little bit)…seeing all of the curated images from users who were veterans in the game. My head was spinning! I wasn’t sure how I wanted to brand myself…like the fashion girls, the bloggers, the coaches…? Issa lot. And my content was a little all over the place as a result. Then one night I had an epiphany… I needed to bring this thing back to how it started and why I’m here: to use my art to promote self-love. Viola! Once I focused on that, creating content became “easy”. I still get writers block from time to time, but now I speak/create from an authentic place. And as a result, my tribe is finding me and I them and…it feels GREAT!
Patience. I still struggle with this BUT I have gotten a lot better than I was since that initial post. When I get caught up looking at the “numbers”, I stop myself and take inventory at how far I have come, personally and project-wise, the things I have accomplished to date, AND the people whose lives I’m touching(including my own), which is really why I’m here.
The Lesson. Be yourself and move authentically and you will receive what’s for YOU. ✨
In closing. Just imagine…some nude photos I took years ago, semi on a whim for a totally different reason have been repurposed and are the catalyst of this self-love movement AND the rebirth of Chic-a… man I’m proud. 😁
I hope you are encouraged and ready to tap into your “Yes” mentality and take some risks to reach YOUR goals. 👊🏿
Here’s to getting naked and “naked”!
Chic-a, the Self-love Advocate
P.S.: If you like my content please comment, share, and follow Naked Memoir on social media.
Photographer: @the.hueman