The Art of Relinquishing Control
Photographer: @eye.of.hvbris
Relinquishing control seems counterintuitive to practicing self-love, right? Everything about the name “self-love” screams “I am in control.”
And to be fair practicing self-love does involve being in control in a lot ways…controlling who/what we focus our energy on, setting/enforcing boundaries, and controlling who has access to us. But, as I recently have learned, it also involves letting go and relinquishing control. 🤯
My divorce taught me that there is PEACE and POWER in relinquishing control…of certain things. Prior to divorcing, I was afraid of how my daughter would be impacted by the divorce. I stayed in my marriage longer because of that. After getting divorced, I realized that I can’t manage my daughter/her dad’s relationship. It’s not my responsibility. I have to focus on making sure I’m healthy and happy so that I can continue to provide a loving, secure home for my daughter. That means I can’t waste energy trying to control things I’m not meant to be in control of. And when I tell you there is SO much peace in this place…(insert praise hands) of recognizing what’s within my control…and what’s not…of letting go.
You should join me. What have you been trying to control that you need to let go of?
-Chic-a, The Self-Love Advocate
P.S.: Loving these photos? Ask me about prints.
Photographer: @eye.of.hvbris