Beauty in Vulnerability: Self-care tips for the woman who takes care of everyone but herself

“The most important relationship I can cultivate is the one with myself.” -excerpt from Naked: a memoir, Part III The Awakening, pg. 18.

Contrary to popular belief, self-care is not a luxury…it’s a necessity. We women tend to take care of everyone around us, often neglecting ourselves.

I became a wife and mother in the same year. The first couple of years of marriage and motherhood were a struggle for me as I attempted to navigate my new roles AND maintain my own identity. I had to CONSTANTLY tell myself, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Repeating that phrase to myself was my reminder that I am a priority and that NOBODY wins if I am depleted.

In order to move happily and confidently through this world, we need to stop being “sacrificial lambs” and make ourselves a PRIORITY so that we can pour into our loved ones, our careers and professions, our lives.

Below are a few self-care tips to get you started:

  • Set personal boundaries. Establishing boundaries helps you become more self-aware. It’s also a great way to help you set priorities and manage expectations. They can also keep you from competing obligations.

  • Enforce your boundaries. Enforcing boundaries demonstrates your self-respect. It also keeps your from getting overwhelmed and stressed. And it helps you become a better communicator.

  • Dress up. When you look good, you feel good. Even if you have nowhere to go, get dressed. Do it for yourself. Getting dress is like a mood setter. Who doesn’t like to look good?! Also, the very physical act of showering and getting dress can lift your spirits and make you feel productive.

  • Dance. We take ourselves way too serious. Put on your favorite song(s) and just dance. And then dance some more! Not only is dancing great exercise but it’s also a good mood lifter!

  • Decompress. NOTHING can run without a resting or re-charging period. Decompress…as much as is necessary. You will feel more rested, have more energy, and ultimately be more productive.

  • Give yourself grace. Lastly, one of the BEST ways you can practice self-care is by being kind to yourself and giving yourself grace. We are all humans; we make mistakes. There is beauty is this frailty and the ability to grow and learn…every day.

Here’s to taking care of ourselves, first!

What ways are you practicing self-care?

P.S. : Don’t forget to subscribe for more updates and blog posts.

Chic-a, the Self-love Advocate

“Beauty in Vulnerability”From the book, Naked: a memoir, found here.

“Beauty in Vulnerability”

From the book, Naked: a memoir, found here.


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